1. Download Linux PocketBase Installer https://pocketbase.io/docs/

  2. Create PocketBase Dockerfile

    FROM alpine:latest
    ARG PB_VERSION=0.7.7
    RUN apk add --no-cache \\
        unzip \\
        # this is needed only if you want to use scp to copy later your pb_data locally
    # download and unzip PocketBase
    ADD <https://github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase/releases/download/v${PB_VERSION}/pocketbase_${PB_VERSION}_linux_amd64.zip> /tmp/pb.zip
    RUN unzip /tmp/pb.zip -d /pb/
    EXPOSE 8080
    # start PocketBase
    CMD ["/pb/pocketbase", "serve", "--http="]
  3. Install Flyctl

    Follow the installation instructions from https://fly.io/docs/hands-on/install-flyctl/.

    Run flyctl auth signup to create a Fly.io account (email or GitHub).

    Run flyctl auth login to login.

  4. Launch

    Run flyctl launch (optionally you can specify --dockerfile if you are running from different directory).

    This will prompt you a couple questions like the name of your app, deployment region, etc.

    Type n for the last 2 questions asking for creating a Postgresql database and whether you want to deploy directly.

    ? Would you like to set up a Postgresql database now? No
    ? Would you like to deploy now? No

    The launch command will create a fly.toml configuration file in the working directory.

  5. Create and mount 1GB Free Persistent Volume

    Run flyctl volumes create pb_data --size=1 —region=ams

    It will prompt you to select a region - preferably choose the same region as in 3).

    Once finished, open fly.toml and add somewhere at the root level the following mounts config:

      destination = "/pb/pb_data"
      source = "pb_data"

    Your final fly.toml should look something like this:

    # fly.toml file generated for pocketbase-test on 2022-09-18T12:44:18+03:00
    app = "pocketbase-test"
    kill_signal = "SIGINT"
    kill_timeout = 5
    processes = []
      allowed_public_ports = []
      auto_rollback = true
      destination = "/pb/pb_data"
      source = "pb_data"
    # optional if you want to change the PocketBase version
      http_checks   = []
      internal_port = 8080
      processes     = ["app"]
      protocol      = "tcp"
      script_checks = []
        hard_limit = 25
        soft_limit = 20
        type       = "connections"
        force_https = true
        handlers    = ["http"]
        port        = 80
        handlers = ["tls", "http"]
        port     = 443
        grace_period  = "1s"
        interval      = "15s"
        restart_limit = 0
        timeout       = "2s"
  6. Deploy

    Run flyctl deploy and that's it!

    To access your PocketBase dashboard navigate to https://YOUR_APP_NAME.fly.dev/_/.

    To deploy new configuration/image changes, just run flyctl deploy again.

Original source : https://github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase/discussions/537